Mahu Picchu – carro na estrada – 21o. dia

Hoje foi o dia de conhecer as lagunas Altiplanicas e Salar de Atacama.

Saimos para conehcer primeiro as lagunas.Já no trajeto e à medida que íamos subindo fomso encontrando neve à beira da estrada e bem perto da entrada do parque onde se localiza as lagunas, a estrada já tinha alguns trechos cobertos de neve.Onde a quantidade de neve era maior, a estrada já havia sido desobistruida.Infelizmente estava proibida a entrada pela quantidade de neve que havia no parque.

Tivemos que voltar sem ter tido a oportunidade de ver as lagunas totalmente congeladas; mas na volta procuramos parte da estrada com certa altura de neve e fizemos um off road.Dois carros ficaram presos na neve.Foi aí que usei a cinta de reboque pela primeira vez.Um troller puxou um mitsubishi full que havia encalhado; ai o dono do trolher ficou entusiasmado por ter tirado a pajero e tentou atravessar o mesmo trecho e não deu outra,ficou encalhado.

Entao eu e minha L-200 entramos em cena para desencalhar o troller do Cleyton.Veja as fotos, da situação da estrada e tentativas de tirar os carros encalhados.

No mdeio disso tudo, com o frio que estava, consumimos quase um litro de uisque e quase um litro de amarula; mesmo assim, nao sentimos o efeito da bebida.

Após nos divertimos um pouco com esse off road, seguimos para o salar onde assistimos um pequeno filme documentario do salar e paseamos pelos pontos interessantes.O salar estava com uita agua em alguns pontos, devido neve que havia nas montanhas ao redor.

Já à tarde seguimos de volta ao hotel e pudemos admirar mais um belo por do sol no Atacama.

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This entry was posted in Primeira Pagina, Uncategorized, Viagem Machu Picchu.

3 Responses to Mahu Picchu – carro na estrada – 21o. dia

  1. Nenad says:

    You are so right Debbie it is such a special place! Very insinrpig! We took the train in (would have LOVED to hike, but we were in Peru for a few speaking engagements and did not have the days required for the hike), and it was beautiful! I am so glad you are following and congratulations on your new blogs I am excited to check them out!

  2. Eugene says:

    You are going to love Peru. I went there 2 summers ago and fell in love. We spent most of our time in Lima with my fiacne’s family, but we were able to go to Paracas which I definitely recommend. We stayed in a hostel and took a boat tour out to some islands where there were hundreds of penguins. We also were able to tour the area and see what used to to be the ocean floor which was full of fossilized shells. It was really neat. Our cab driver also took us so we could swim in the ocean and then he took us dune buggying in his Toyota! If you have any questions please let me know as my fiacne grew up in Peru.

  3. Briteny says:

    Congratulations Melissa!!! How very cool We actually did just go to Peru in December here are a coulpe of tips for when you arrive in Lima.1. Take the taxis outside the airport. The ones inside overcharge you a TON2. Watch traffic people go super duper fast and its terrifying3. Stay at a hostel at least on your first night and ask the desk staff & other travelers for recommendations on how to get from point a to point b and places to visit. We had some great suggestions from people!4. I got by on basic greetings, knowing how to ask cost & directions, and always using a big smile. You’re going to have a blast I’m so excited for you!

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